Skyview’s Robotics Club is a fun and safe environment where all personalities are welcomed and students can find others with similar interests. Students experience Robotics, programing, CAD. As an option, if it helps support the robotics club, students can ask if they can use the output tools like 3D printing, laser and vinyl cutting. The output tools are not meant to be the primary focus. Students also get to practice group skills, social skills and staying focused on a long term project.
Article 1
The Robotics Club shall organize on Thursday’s after school during the months of October to March.
Article 2
The Technology and Robotics Club advisor shall be a current staff member, currently Mr. Seeley who is a CTE Technology teacher at SMS.
Article 3
All current Skyview Middle School students are eligible to be members of the Robotics Club. There is an application process to limit numbers of student due to classroom size. The administration and Mr. Seeley do their best to balance the club members by grade, gender and other factors. Due to room space and robot kits, the club is limited to about 24 students.
Article 4
Members, officers and presidents. By the second month of the new school year, members shall nominate club members to fill the club officers. Positions are elected by students raising their left hand so their right hand may continue to click on the computers if needed. In previous years we found selecting two presidents works best. Other students who apply but don’t become one of the club presidents can be club officers.
Article 5
- The presidents and the officers shall serve the term of the school year and at the start of the following year, if possible, until new officers are elected.
- If both of the presidents are absent, other officers shall take over the Robotics Club duties.
- The presidents shall meet the following requirements:
- It is best if president candidates were active participants in the club the previous year.
- The duties of the presidents:
- Approve the schedule club and get ideas for the next club.
- Make sure new members get welcomed to the club.
- Make sure all members ASB card.
- Assume a leadership role for club members.
Article 6
There is a multiple school robotics competition every February in Redmond. This is optional for all students to observe. Students will need to provide their own transportation. Some students robots may participate in the competition if they qualify during the club robot skills test.
Article 7
A vote of three-fourths of the current members shall be needed to amend this constitution.