Student Resources
Skyview Resources
- Skyview Student Handbook
- Technology - Google Apps for Education
- Technology - Student Server
- Grades & Progress Reports in StudentVUE
- Suggested Personal Supply List
- Online Textbook Links
Skyview Student Handbook
Technology - Google Apps for Education
Google Apps for Education
What is it?
Google Apps for Education, which consists of Google Docs, GMail, Google Calendar, and other services, allows teachers and students to communicate and collaborate inside and outside the classroom.
● Google Docs: Students and teachers can create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with the ability to collaborate with each other in real-time inside a web browser window.
● GMail: Each student will have an email account with 2 gigabytes of storage per account.
● Google Calendar: Students can utilize Google Calendars to keep track of schedules and assignments.
Providing “anytime, anywhere” access lets users upload, access, share, and work on files from any computer. Google Apps create a collaborative online workspace that stores and organizes information and keeps versions current for all users - without flash drives or external media.
Why use it?
Student can use Google Apps to:
Teachers can use Google Apps to:
For more information and resources about NSD Google Apps for Education, go to:
Google Apps for Education - Students
How do I access my Northshore Google Apps account?
You can access your NSD Google Apps account at
1. Log in with your NSD username (student ID number) and password
2. Your Google Drive will launch in a new window.
3. From your Google Drive, you’ll be able to access other services (such as Gmail or Calendar) available in Apps menu at the top right of the browser window.
● DO NOT move, rename or delete folders that appear in your Google Drive for your specific classes.
● DO NOT create new folders with the same name as these course folders.
What is my password? Can I change it?
● The password for your Google Apps account is the same as the password you use to log on to the fileserver and other district services.
● If you’ve forgotten your district password, you can reset it at
● Keep your password private and ensure that you sign out of your Google Apps account on a district computer to prevent others from accessing your account.
What will my email address be?
● Your email address will be [studentIDnumber] So, if your student ID number is 123456, then your email address will be
● When sending a message, you will be able to start typing in the name of another Northshore student, and choose them from a list. Additionally, when the receive an email from you, your first and last name will be displayed with your email address.
Expectation for use of services:
Google Apps accounts will be used for school related work only including communication for school-related projects, collaboration with peers, storage and access to documents, and interaction with teachers. Students are expected to follow the NSD Acceptable Use Policy (NSD Administrative Procedure No. 2022 P). This policy can be found in your Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. The District reserves the right to access and review content in the Google Apps for Education system at any time. Student email and documents are not considered private and can be accessed at the discretion of the district.
Technology - Student Server
Grades & Progress Reports in StudentVUE
Suggested Personal Supply List
For all Core Subjects (English, History, Math, Science) Grades 6-8:
- A planner (SJH planner or similar)
- 3-ring binder(s) (may be shared with other subjects)
- Notebook paper (college ruled)
- Blue and/or Black pens
- #2 Pencils w/ erasers
- USB Flash Drive
Core Class Specific Requirements Grades 6-8
- Red Pen (8th Science)
- Graph paper (4 or 5 squares per inch) (Math)
- A Highlighter (prefer yellow) (Science and English)
- Colored Pencils (12 or more) (Science and Math)
- 3x5 plain index cards (English)
- Lined Composition book for 6th, 7th and 8th Science
- Ruler for 6th Science
- Glue Stick for 6th Science
- 1” 3-ring binder for 7th Math
- Composition book for Math (8th and 7th honors)
- Composition book for English
- Spiral Binder for 7th Social Studies
- Ultra fine-tip sharpie for 7th Social Studies
- PE uniform and appropriate shoes for those taking gym classes
Online Textbook Links
Community Resources
Crisis Clinic
The Crisis Clinic is a great resource for suicide prevention and mental health support.
Suicide Prevention Information
FAQ on suicide, symptoms of depression and suicidal danger signs, most common misconceptions about suicide, what students should do if a friend had depression, what hospitalization does for depressives and a recommended reading list.
Depression Information
Information on depression provided by the National Institute for Mental Health.
Eating Disorders
Collection of information on eating disorders by a non profit organization.
Anxiety Disorders
The National Institute of Mental Health gives a sketch of each known anxiety disorder and has a keyword search to help identify symptoms.
This site contains basic information about this organization which assists adults and teens with alcohol related concerns. It includes 20 questions designed to help teenagers decide whether or not Alateen is for them.
Volunteer Match
Search by area or volunteer opportunity types and categories.
United Way of King County
This is the best volunteer search engine we've found. You can search by zipcode, types of volunteer opportunities and ages that volunteers need to be.
Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center
Center in Woodinville that provides horse riding lessons for the disabled. Volunteers are constantly needed for caring for the horses and assisting with the lessons.
Youth Volunteer Corps
Local group volunteer opportunities for students in Jr. High and High School.
City Of Woodinville
Check out and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
King County
Volunteer opportunities through the county.
City of Bothell
Find out how to help out around Bothell.
There are a variety of ways you can volunteer at YMCA.
There are a variety of ways you can volunteer at YWCA.
Hopelink serves homeless and low income families, children, seniors and people with disabilities.
Friends of Youth
A group of special places that provide an array of services for young people and their famalies in the areas of prevention, shelter care and housing, and treatment across King and Snohomish Counties in WA.
Bothell Library
Find out about how to volunteer at the public library.
Undocumented Students
Educators For Fair Consideration
Empowering undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals.
MALDEF - The Latino Voice for Civil Rights in America
Since MALDEF's founding, the civil rights orginization has supported the next generation of civil rights advocated for the Latino community. MALDEF currently offers: a Scholarship Resource Guide for high school, college, and graduate students; and a Law School Scholarship Program for law students.
National College Access Network
Builds, strengthens and empowers communities commited to college access and success so that all students, especially those underrepresented in postsecondary education, can achieve their educational dreams.
Tip Sheet for Undocumented Students
This tip sheet is designed to help with some pressing questions that undocumented students may have while contemplating whether or not they can enroll in school.
National Immigration Law Center
One of the leading orginizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income. They also conduct trainings, publish education materials, and provide legal counsel and strategic advice to support and strengthen other groups' advocacy work.
Big Future College Board
A mission-driven organization that connects students to college success an oppurtunity. College Board was created to expand access to higher education and has helpful information for undocumented students wanting to apply for college.
National Conference of State Legislatures
The nation's most respected bipartisan organization provicing states support, ideas, connections and a strong voice on Capitol Hill. This orginization advocates and provides information and support for undocumented students' tuition and support.
CUNY Citizenship Now!
CUNY Citizenship Now! is the largest University-based legal assistance program in the nation. They provide free, high quality and confidential citizenship and immigration law services to all.