Your student’s daily attendance and active participation are critical for the learning process. The following attendance policies support your student to learn responsibility and increase their potential for success in school.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes each day. It is important to inform the Attendance Office whenever your student will be absent from school. Parents/guardians must notify the Attendance Office to excuse absences (within 48 hours per WA State Law.)
Attendance Policies
Skyview Attendance
Excusing Absences
Notify the Attendance Office if your student is absent as promptly as possible, preferably in the morning on the same school day, yet within 2 days, per Washington State Law. Please see additional procedures and tabs above for late arrival, early dismissal or pre-arranging long-term absences and provide:
name of person excusing the absence
student's first and last name (legal name)
student ID#
date(s) and class period(s) of absence
valid reason for the absence
If your student is experiencing a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, cough or loss of smell or taste, identify any of these 3 symptoms in your voicemail or email message.
New Process for Reporting an Absence: 4 Simple Steps
We have a new, easy way for families to let our school know when their student is absent! While we know regular attendance is one of the most powerful ways to prepare your student for success, we also know that sometimes students must miss school for a variety of reasons. Next time that happens for your family, let us know through ParentVUE:
Login to ParentVUE
Click the “Report Absence” button next to the name of your absent student
Fill in the fields with the date(s) of the absence and provide an explanation
Click to submit, automatically notifying the school of the absence
Learn more or view step-by-step images and instructions. You can use this method to report an absence of up to 4 days. As a reminder, an absence of 5 days or longer requires families to submit a Notice of Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form.
Unexcused Absences:
It is important to excuse your student’s absences from class periods as soon as possible, preferably on the same school day - within 48 hours (per WA State Law).
If your student has unexcused absences or excessive cumulative absences from school, parents/guardians will receive a letter from the Attendance Office requesting a meeting with our school’s administration and/or school counselors to address barriers that may be causing your students to miss school.
Attendance Secretary
Vicki Madsen
Attendance 24 hr. Voicemail Line: